A Methodist Way of Life

In the Methodist church, there are 12 practices that we think particularly help us to encounter God. We call this A Methodist Way of Life. Each practice is a station on the journey where we meet God and grow in faith.

As a Circuit we are commited to exploring A Methodist Way of Life.

A Methodist Way of Life Circuit Day

We gathered together as a Circuit, to explore and learn together what A Methodist Way of Life is and how we can use in our churches and Circuit on Saturday 7th October. You can catch up with some of the day in the following videos and find out more about A Methodist Way of Life using the links below.

Chat to your minister about how A Methodist Way of Life will be used to grow discipleship and mission in your church over the coming months.

Welcome, Worship and Introduction to A Methodist Way of Life

A Methodist Way of Life Resources


Unit 6, The Delph Centre
Swadlincote DE11 9DA, GB

About us

The circuit is called into being by the grace of God, led by Jesus Christ and is given the gifts for its work by and through the renewing power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit facilitates our mission through worship, witness and service of our congregations and circuit along with ecumenical co-operation and community engagement, encouraging shared ministry with all parts of the Christian family.  

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